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It's Time To Become an active part In Something That Is Already Big and You Are Already A Part of!
Your Home Town
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To Join: Please fill out the form on the left in detail so we can make sure you get assigned to the applicable, "We The People's Town Hall" in your community. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive an e-mail directing you to the, "We The People's Town Hall."
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Who Should Join The Local Community
"We The People's Town Hall" Platform
& Why Should You Join...
We Are A Nonpartisan Interactive Platform. That means we representing a balance in expression of opinions, views and comments. Our goal is to be a true representation of our diverse communities. We encourage a variety of local citizens to voice their concerns and provide regular feed back about all issues in their local community.
This Is A Platform Where "We The People" Can Speak, And Always Be Heard & Represented. We Need People! Each of our communities will be managed and moderated by real people (Ambassadors) and other community based people who will fill the various capacities of leading our efforts in their community. People to build, strengthen and grow our communities. People who will become resources for bringing good people to serve as representatives that the people choose and vote for!
We Are A Chat Forum Where We Can Speak To Each Other. Please help us make this site a place where healthy discussions of personally expressed views and opinions take place, with the objective of providing information and resources, empowered by our diverse natures, where videos, pictures and expressions can be posted, monitored and moderated with "NO ALLOWANCE" for any hate messages or foul language.
We Are A Leadership Discovery Forum,
providing a platform to share and discuss the potential local leaders, people we choose from within our communities that we know, like & trust. Those whom we sponsor will represent the people and not their own ambitions!
We Are A True Community Based Platform
to share your voice with your local residence in your community, to express at your convenience, your concerns and ideas that can help make your community a better place to live.
It Is A Platform Where You Can Watch Live Streaming City Council and County Commission meetings that we hope will soon provide an opportunity to interact from the convenience of your homes.