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It's Time We All Work Together In Our Communities as true
Americans First... 

Lets Not Focus On Being Democrats, Republicans, Black, White, Red, Brown, Straight, Gay Or Otherwise.

  • Not As A Racists 
  • Not As Minorities
  • Not AS Dissenters
  • Not As Intimidators
  • Not Spreaders of False Narratives
True Americans

How Can I Truly...
An American First"!

Follow Us On Any Of Our Powerful Platforms...

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Empowering The People
All Things Community
But First Learn More About Us Below!
Learn More About
Being An American First
By joining together we can bring peaceful and powerful stability to our communities and our country. Join your local town hall and become a...
peaceful patriot in your community today! 
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We are the people
of America.
Six(6)Easy Steps To Being A True American First...

Start Here...

  1. Recognize and appreciate the FREEDOMS YOU HAVE!
  2. Realize that freedom is a result of liberty which is a result of the "Rule Of Law" and "Justice For All"!
  3. Have a real desire to help maintain that liberty in your community!
  4. Understand and believe that you really can make a difference by just taking an active role as a citizen of your community.
  5. Be willing to take a stand by letting your voice be heard on the issues that are most effecting our values, our liberties, our freedoms, our families and our everyday Lives!
  6. Learn of and become an active member of this revolutionary new community based platform...
   7. Take action by joining your local community We The Peoples town Hall 

To Be An American 1st

Also Means...

We stop being influenced by false narratives and money driven media agendas!
  • We stop allowing everything to become politicized and start making it Americanized!
  • It's time we all just be Americans, Peaceful Americans!
  • If the political parties want to be divided then let them have their battles.
  • But let's be the Everyday People that use reason and common sense to guide our choices.
  • Let's do away with all the division.
Let's not let the few noise makers rule the silent majority!
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Who Does America
Belong To?
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Multiple Parties...
One people!
We Are The Everyday People. America Is Ours...Not the Governments. You Know... Of The People, By The People & For The People! 
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"How Can We Better... 
"be an american 1st"
In Our Communities?"
Study and Get To Know American History
  1. Become more proactive. 
  2. Get more familiar with the Constitution.
  3. Attend or watch your local County Commission Meetings.
  4. Attend a School Board Meeting.
  5. Attend your local City Council Meetings or watch online.
  6. Become a County or State Delegate in the next election.
  7. Get involved in service projects.
  8. Visit and volunteer at the local food kitchen.
  9. Reach out to help a neighbor.
  10. Learn about the new...
       "Peoples Town Hall"
How Can We Be More Proactive 
In Making A Difference As Citizens In Our Communities?
It Starts By...
  • Building Open & Transparent Communications At the local level!

It's got to be about individuals in the communities stepping up with a desire to do something. And then, it's about providing those individuals with the ability and resources to take action. It's about not complaining about how things are, but instead, stand out and demand change! Let's not verbally destroy our current representatives just because they aren't doing things exactly as we wish, let's just peacefully express our discontent, demand true and transparent reporting of their actions, and then let's help find and support better people to run for offices in the next elections...

...then get out and vote!

The future of America
is truly in the hands of the people. It's literally up to us to make sure it continues as a free country! 
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We Are The Greatest Nation Ever In The History Of The World!
Watch Video
 It's Time To Awaken The
Voice of the "Everyday People"
in our Communities 
and let them be heard!
Professional Male Portrait
It's Time We All Work Together In Our Communities.
Not As Racists
Not As Minorities
Not AS Dissenters
Not As Intimidators
Not Spreaders of False Narratives
It's Time To
Be Transparent

Everyday American People...Who Love Their Neighbors, Communities, Country & Their Liberties!
We Are More Than Just Individual Citizens...
we are one of the thousands of people in our local communities who make up the more than 330 Million everyday people in thousands of communities
across America...
...And We Want To Be Heard!
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Let's Get Proactive In Our Communities, Where Our Voices Can Be Heard And our Actions Can Truly Make A
Why should we love
being Americans
Let's come to know and appreciate our American heritage 
Let's Make sure that 
those who have been elected,
to represent us are the ones making the laws and not the Bureaucrats!
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Remember: we are a republic... A form of government in which a state is ruled by representatives of the citizen body.
Now Is The Time To...
Join Your Local "People's Town Hall"
And Start Making A Difference Today
When You Join Your Local Town Hall You will become an active supporter of The "Be An American First" Network. You will have access to all of the information, tools and resources necessary to take a greater role as "we the everyday people" become a greater voice in America.
Join Your Local Town Hall today!
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Together We Can Defend Our Liberty!

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It Has Been Said That The Only Way For Evil To Win Is When Good Men and Women Do Nothing!
As "We The Everyday People" Come Together...
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Let's Take A Stand:



  • A Stand For The good Of Mankind!
  • A Stand for the good of our country!
  • A Stand for the good of our families!
  • A Stand for the good of our souls! 
  • A Stand for the Constitution!
  • A Stand for our communities! 
  • A Stand for "We The Everyday People!"
This Is The Call To Action
we invite you to start a
"People's Town Hall"
in your community today!
Let's Stand For Our Liberty and the pursuit of happiness!
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It's Our Country

we are america's
Everyday People...

...all 328 million of us, and we want americato be america, and we want all people to
"Be Americans First"
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It's Time To Re-Empower The Everyday People And Keep Our Country Great!
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knowledge is power
so it has been said, let us become an empowered people with a recollection of the past events that have made this country.
Let us all be a better support to
one another in our quest to
become a stronger and wiser American People.

Let's get more familiar with our  constitution & the bill of rights
so we always know where we stand.
it is time for all of us to come together As
one people...
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True American People!
You know, the kind of people who are willing to sacrifice for freedom! To start with, we need to become a more active people. So, we are bringing together a revolutionary platform, where we can learn, gain knowledge, express ourselves, and be heard by our elected representatives. When You Join... 

"The Peoples Town Hall."

You will all have access to the most powerful and comprehensive collection of information and resources, that will empower all of us to act peacefully, with boldness and courage. 
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It's Time To Do The
"Right Thing"
Best Friends
Our objective is to provide the everyday people in our communities with access to
a variety of videos, podcasts and blogs.
  • peaceful conversations about issues and the concerns of all citizens within each of our "Town Hall" communities. "Town Hall" communities.

  • live streaming, news articles and stories.

  • local news and issues of the day.

There is something for all of us...
Family on Digital Tablet
Happy Couple take part in, no matter what walk of life you come from. We need everyone's support if we're going to make a difference.

Portrait of a Young Man
Healthy Eating

We invite all to watch, read and share...any and all of this information. Share it with your networks of acquaintances to help refresh and educate all people who are desirous to live free continually. 

Share your voice in support of freedom. Help all to remember where our freedoms started, and what it has taken to build the greatest country in the world.


Senior Portrait
College Friends

Now Is The Time To Take An Active Part

In The Most Powerful...Voice of the Everyday People of America. Let's make a peaceful effort in helping build the largest and most dedicated network of, "The Peoples Town Hall," in the country. A platform that involves all true Americans who still believe that Freedom is in our hands, who are not afraid to take a stand and take action for change within their communities. If you are one of those people, then...

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To help make All Of The
Above that happen

we Invite you to join our powerful network of local peoples town halls. This is a revolutionary platform that provides the Everyday People of America a place for their Voices to Be Heard... Every day 24-7!
It's Called...
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Get Registered NOW, in your own community for "We The People's Town Hall' & 'Be An American First" and be a "Peaceful Patriot," in support of your
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God Bless America and It's People...
All of Them!  Let's All Come Together and
"Be Americans First"      
A Call To Action
Where All Good Men & Women Can Stand and Begin To Make A Bigger Difference In All Things
Local & National!
We Invite You To Join Now! 
Click Here To learn More About
We The Peoples Town Hall
In Your Community!

Meet Our Sponsors!

Click Here To become a sponsor of this Project!

© 2021 The Peaceful Patriots  - Be An American 1st  - The Peoples Town Hall - All rights reserved!

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