General Discussion
We the people are the strongest and most powerful element of society. We are society. If you take the people out of anything you have nothing. It's time for the people to get united and show What the power of We the People posses.
In the beginning our government was created of the people, for the people and by the People. We have a responsibility to maintain our free country in accordance to that premise.
A local town hall that provides information and political resources to be readily accessed 24-7 is where I think we the people are going to be re-empowered. People need to be informed by truths and reality not a ton of false narratives that confuse and disrupt the ability to make wise decisions.
Tell us what your thoughts are about a 24-7 town hall platform in your community. It would have live and recorded City council, County commission and school board meetings as well as a ton of other applicable everyday need to know information.
What are your thoughts.