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Grass Roots
Of America

We are currently launching the most unique and powerful network of            "We The People's Town Halls" in every community of Utah.  Each Community (City) Town Hall will be equipped with all of the tools and resources that make it possible for every citizen to take as proactive a role as they desire. 
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We Need
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Join Us To Make Power
n Numbers
We Invite You To Explore The Opportunities To...

  • Become a Political Party Ambassador
  • Become a State Executive Ambassador
  • Become a Community Patriot
  • Become a Non-Partisan Ambassador
  • Volunteer  to Serve In Your Communities
  • Etc.

Or... Just JUMPIN
As A Donner

And Support Your Community Today!

Thank You In Advance

...For Considering To Become A Part Of Building, Managing & Maintaining Digitally Sustainable Communities & Economies In Your City!

We Need You... Take action
To Help Make

...To Help Us Bring Greater Transparency, Truth, Vision  & Sustainability To Your City & County. It's totally up to "We The People" and Our GOD,  To sustain our rights and privileges 
afforded us as citizens of the greatest country ever on earth. 

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It's Time
For"We The People"
To Unite In Our

"Now you can take an active role in helping us build a Network Of Self-Sustainable Cities & Counties"!

You are invited to take an active part in the greatest Peaceful Patriot Movement in the country, as we build the most Comprehensive & Organized network of self-Sustaining Cities & Counties.  


A powerful network of convenient local Information, Resources and Services, as well as Education & Information providing the everyday people (Citizens) a more convenient access to all things Community.


Including, direct access to their local elected officials, allowing a clear path to participation in the local political process, Gain a renewed understanding of the constitution, become more familiar with the structure & activity of your local government and re-connecting to the history of the greatest country on earth.


If you are one who  sincerely loves their country (America), their  State and communities, 

then it's time you take action

and help Maintain our ability...

to have Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Here is The Place To Start...

Be A
"Peaceful Patriot"

In Your Community

Peaceful Patriots are those individuals who have not forgotten the labors of our fathers, who honor the God that provided this land and those who have true respect for our freedoms. 
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We Are Seeking..

Ambassadors, Volunteers &
Community Directors...

...To Help Us Build The Sustainable Communities
Network In Your Area!
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to help us bring a
Greater Sustainable...
environment of our rights, privileges, liberties & economy 
to the citizens of our communities!

What Do we offer
To Our... 
& Volunteers

in All communities?
Network Meetings

When you join the proud citizens of your community in support of this platform you will become involved in the most aggressive and organized network of Grass Roots communities and people in America. 


Our goal is to bring all willing patriots of young and old seasoned Americans in all communities in America to help build a powerful network of sustainable resources in our local communities. To promote and exercise our rights and privileges in building open relationships of transparency with all local and State Representatives, to help all more easily express their voice on all issues and concerns. 


Our mission is to provide the most comprehensive collection of information, education and community resources and commerce in one place, where we the everyday people can come together to study, learn, shop and grow, and more easily and conveniently access and participate in the process of choosing, sponsoring and electing more qualified local representatives. 


Our overall objective is

  • To reiterate the power and rights we have been provided through our God given constitutional powers, re-empowering our local representatives and legislatures while re-establishing all rights back to the states, counties and cities.

  • To bring an awareness of the true form of government that We The People recognize as the strongest government, the one closest to the people.

  • To encourage and provide citizens active participation in city and county governments made up of the people who have been chosen (elected) by the local populations of everyday people.

  • To demand a more accurate and responsible accountability by all local state and national representatives.


Our structure is designed

  • to ]be managed by local Community Ambassadors, (The People) who will grow and manage a turnkey system of volunteers and other ambassadors representing and managing  online and offline resources, services & commerce in each of our communities.

  • To empower people who will connect both online ( Live Streaming) and offline (In person communications) ie: Town Halls, City Council Meeting, County Commission Meetings and other representations via additional groups and organizations in the communities. 

This Utah page consists of many state affiliated issues, resources and services. The State Executive Ambassador will oversee and direct the development of the many communities of Utah.
How To Get Started
Check Out The Info Below & Then Choose a
community to serve!

We provide a Simple & Approachable Volunteer Workflow!

Pick an hour, a morning or afternoon, a day or a week, or what ever time works best for you. We need volunteers of all...

  • ages

  • types

  • talents

  • and donners

If we are going to save our country it is going to take us all to work together at the community level while recognizing it is going to take the involvement of Gods hands, & our willingness to volunteer and serve Him & our fellow man in our communities. 

Who Is Qualified
All Are As Defined Below

We Need Local Representatives of All Ethnicities!

America and every community in it are made up of a diverse ethnicity. As a country we embrace that diverse culture. America's foundation is built on a culture of diversity. Each of us needs to stand for

  • our homeland heritage

  • the American dream

  • our safe and friendly communities

  • the defense of liberty and the pursuit of happiness

These are just some of the things we as Americans have and want to maintain. Let's all help keep America the greatest country in the world. It all has to start locally, so we encourage you to join us in your community, TODAY!

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An Attitude of Unity
In All States, Counties & Communities

We Need Non-Partisan Community Leaders


Many communities and the country are currently experiencing a political party division. That needs to end. We need Community Ambassadors who will help bring all citizens back to...

  • thinking as one nation

  • a diversity of opinions

  • expression of ideas and creativity

  • respecting others opinions

  • friendly discussions of issues and concerns

  • a two party system of government

  • respect of the rule of law

  • respect and adherence to the constitution

  • etc.

 That's what makes communities and nations grow. We need to hear, act upon and grow our communities together. We are a two party government for a reason. We need community representatives  (Ambassadors) who will help maintain and support that system in their own communities.

Things Are Happening 
IN Your Community Today
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Action Committies

Sponsorships & Promotions

For Local Events

Webinars, Seminars, Podcasts & Blogs

Live & Streaming Town Halls

 education, Classes & Training 

All Things Are Possible... 
With the Right Platform, The Right People, & Trust In God!

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Check Us Out

Come & See What's In It For You!

Grab Your Friends and Volunteer Today!


Let's Use Our Diversity to Secure Our Liberty!

© 2021 The Peaceful Patriots  - Be An American 1st  - We The Peoples Town Hall - United Communities Of America - All rights reserved!

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