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Community Volunteer, A Doner or a Citizen
Help Us Build...
The Most United Netwok of People & Communities
And Grass Roots organizations In America. !
A Warm Welcome To My Fellow
Grass Roots Patriots!
My Name Is Bill Misrasi
I Am The Founder & CEO at We The Peoples Town Hall & The United Communities Of America. I invite you to explore this powerful opportunity to make a difference in your community. I invite you to explore the opportunities to serve your country at the community level. Please fill out the form below and let us know your level of interest and let us help you help and protect your country, your community, your freedoms, your liberties and your home
and family. Thank You for your service In Advance!
We want to make it easy for everyday people to get to know who their local district & precinct leaders, and representatives are, and then make it simple for them to communicate with one another. It really needs to be a much more natural occurrence for people to be talking about the issues that are affecting their communities.
It takes a network of resources and volunteers to make it all happen. And all it takes is an e-mail, a text, a letter, a phone call or an in person contact but who, how and when seems to be the hold up.
Now, there is a platform that provides a means for us all to come together to share in a variety of ways, the special talents and abilities we have each been blessed with.
Thank you for exploring the member options. We look forward to serving with you in your community, County or State.
Please fill out the form on the left...or
Click Here To Learn More About The We The People's Town Hall. !