Grass Roots Groups
Groups & Organization
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Meet The Organizations
Making A Difference
In Utah Communities
There are many patriot organizations all across Utah that are sometimes really hard to find and to know when and where they are having events or activities. So we are inviting them to join us here to first be listed in an alphabetical order above that will provide a link to showcase their organization with video that allows them to introduce their organization as well as any products or services they may have to offer.
Grass Roots Vendor Showcase
Who Are We?
We Are The Peaceful Patriots. Those People who greatly appreciate our forefathers that wrote a constitution to protect all of our God given rights, and not afraid to stand up and be counted and heard. Click Here To See What It Means To...
Who Are We?
We Are The Peaceful Patriots. Those People who greatly appreciate our forefathers that wrote a constitution to protect all of our God given rights, and not afraid to stand up and be counted and heard. Click Here To See What It Means To...
Who Are We?
We Are The Peaceful Patriots. Those People who greatly appreciate our forefathers that wrote a constitution to protect all of our God given rights, and not afraid to stand up and be counted and heard. Click Here To See What It Means To...