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Bill Misrasi
Founder & Peaceful Patriot
My Fellow
"I Have Been Silent To Long. I Just Can't Sit Back And Watch Our Country Be Disrupted By People Who Do Not Respect And Enjoy True Freedom. I Get It Though. Some People Relate Free Stuff To Freedom. What They Don't Realize Is That Nothing Comes Free. The More Free Stuff You Get, The Less Freedom You Have. The More Free Stuff, The More Taxes We Pay. It Has To Be That Way Because NOTHING IS FREE!" 


So, I have made a commitment to myself, To Go Into my community, to my country and to the service of my God, and dedicate all that I have been blessed with to help make a difference by helping as many others as possible along the way. It is truly time for all of us to let our voices be heard...and to take action!!! No More Excuses!
In an effort to begin to do my part, I am introducing a new and revolutionary "Community Based Platform," where our voices can be heard by the everyday people within our communities, and by our elected representatives, every hour of every day.

Let's Start Here and...


to the learning center and help everyone get familiar with our rights & privileges, and our liberties & laws, so that we can more boldly defend ourselves, through the power of the constitution. Let's GO to a place where we can get refreshed on the history of, "The Making of America," a place where we can find  information about all the current representatives in our community, state and in your nation. All right at your finger tips, and so much more!


Let's BE Americans & come together in our communities now, where the voices of "We The Everyday People," are empowered by the First Amendment & Civil Rights, and protected by the United States Constitution!


Let's speak out without fear and SAY what we believe and stand firm. The only fear we need to have is "Fear of God". The fear that if we BE & SAY nothing, He will do nothing! We must turn our trust to Him! The current issues are bigger than us, but our voices and actions coupled with His power, can truly correct the direction in which our (His) country is heading. We truly need to be proactive. It's time to take action, and BE & SAY our part! Today! Let's "Be An American First" & defend our Constitution that encompasses our God given rights!
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Now It's time to DO something more than just talk about things.  It's time to promote peace while making change; to provide everyone with a place to take part in making change happen; a voice in our Town Halls; a peaceful place to attend from home, work or in assembly; and a place that allows all voices to be expressed with open discussion. We do not support extremism from either end of the spectrum. We believe every person has a right to be heard and strongly encourage fair and open discussions. When we allow the words of someone we disagree with to speak their piece, we are only exercising true freedom of speech. Then comes the part to agree to disagree peacefully. That is the true process of freedom. Everyone is entitled to their opinion! No one is right or wrong. We are entitled to believe what we believe because that is who we are. We can all learn from each other. We should all learn from each other. 


So My Fellow Americans:
If you have a true desire to really make a difference, then this is the place and time, and I encourage your membership. Let's come together with all that we stand for and make a difference. Now is the time! Join me in your community, "We The People's Town Hall" today. It's a FREE membership, we just ask you to donate what you can as often as you can to help support your community. Your Donations Stay In Your Community!

"JOIN US NOW" button below, you will be directed to a place where you can join in your community. "Thank you and I look forward to visiting you in your community, both virtually and in person."

Let's Strengthen America, 
From Within Each Of Our Communities. That Is Really Where The Power Exists!
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