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Four Benefits Of... "Dent-Secure"
Safe Fit Dentures




Poor fitting dentures are often held in by using adhesives. Our new "Dent-Secure" process utilizes dental implants, so they are more stable than adhesives. Improved stability allows you

to chew food more thoroughly, helping your stomach break

down food more efficiently,

and absorb more nutrients.





Whether your denture is retained by remaining natural teeth or by dental implants, it will continue to stimulate your jaw bone when you eat/chew. This stimulation will slow or even stop the resorption (shrinkage) process that is natural with loose dentures.



The natural process of resorption (shrinkage) that occurs when you have an unhealthy or under-stimulated jaw as a result of loose dentures can, throughout time, cause the distance between your nose and your chin to shrink. This shrinking can make your face look “sunken-in” and prematurely aged.







With our Dent-Secure

Safe Fit Denture process your dentures are retained with implants that fit more securely than one held in with only adhesives. This fit also increases the stability of the denture reducing or even eliminating, unnecessary movement during chewing and talking. This lessens the instances of sores and embarrassing dislodgement.


Safe Fit Dentures

Get back to eating with confidence!

Q: How will I know if the "Dent-Secure"  method is right for me?


Q: How long does the Dent-Secure process take?


Q:Can I still take my dentures out when I need to brush and clean them?


Q: Can my current dentures be Denture Lock as implant-retained dentures?


Q: Will a "Dent-Secure"  procedure help me chew my food better and help alleviate the frequent sore spots I get with my current dentures?


Q: Will I still need denture supplies, such as adhesives?


Q: With the "Dent-Secure" process, is it hard to put my denture in and take my denture out?


Q: How does my mouth feel when the denture is out?


Have more questions?

Fill out the form on the right and we'll get you the answers to your specific needs right away!

Commonly Asked Questions:

We can help you determine the best actions  to accommodate the implant-retained treatment option. Get your dentures"Secured Safe" Today!

Get All The Answers

We are sure you have more questions specific to your own needs and only your Dental Clinician can provide those answers.


So please take just a moment to provide  a bit of information in the form below to get your questions answered TODAY

Am I a Candidate for "Dent-Secure" Safe Fit Dentures?

Thanks to advancements in dental implant technology and clinical techniques, many people are now candidates for Denture Lock Down. 


How Would You Like To Secure Your dentures?

That's right... Secure those pesky dentures so you can smile again! And even more than that, You can begin to eat what you want, like steak, corn on the cob, and other great foods. You can even eat when you want, at a party, at a restaurant or anywhere you choose without any fear of embarrassment from loose dentures. "Dent-Secure" is the answer!

"And what if I told you that it is much more affordable than you ever thought"?

There are two very prominent Dr.'s in West Valley Utah that are providing this new and rewarding

"Dent-Secure" process to people from all around the area. They are offering their services at a very affordable price that includes all the exams and implementation of the process... and you can even apply for financing, making it available to almost anyone. 


Hurray and contact them Today for a FREE consultation to see if the "Dent-Secure" Safe Fit Dentures process is right for you! Fill out the form below to request a time for your FREE evaluation Now! 

Am I A Candidate For...


Safe Fit Dentures

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